A very long silence!haha..been so busy with research progress, need to speed up some work due to the wedding sampai kadang-kadang i have to postponed all the wed preps =(
So, my designer cum my tailor is my proud mommy!hee..I didn't have any confident to hire other tailor or designer (tak mampu..huhu) as I know, if mom will sew my wedding dress, I'll be the proud daughter to wear it! Before this, ada rasa nak hantar to tailor yang memang specialize in wedding dress, but then nowadays, semuanya memang ribu-riban.tak mampu mak!haha..if to send to any regular tailor yang ambil tailoring for wedding dress, i dont feel any confident! I know my mom can sew the best wedding dress which I cant find in any store. Lagipun, lebih senang deal with my own mother. From the fabric choosing and design, Mom's know best!
So here some tips which can be applied in choosing the wedding dress style:
So, knowing that I dont have oh-so-perfect-model-body, kena choose betul-betul. When looked to any design dress, I have my opinion.
1. The look
The first thing is I love the classic look. I dont want looking into my wedding photo, dah tahu dah bila trend tu bermula.hehe..So, I want something yang very the classic, so I want beaded. For me, every bride look like 'bride' if she wear beaded. Bling-bling sungguh! No offence. Sekarang ni, everyone opt for simple, like dinner dress. I adore them too. Sangat cantik and pretty enough.
2. Style
If I wear empire cutting, mesti nampak gemuk!no no no, nightmare! and if terlalu ketat, rasanya tak sopan for us. Too lose, u look like the dress wear you. So I love mermaid or A-line. Dah tau dah tak berapa nak tinggi, so tak nak la the train is too long and no kembang-kembang.Im afraid I look big.
Actually, hari-hari tengok wed dress, hari-hari nak tukar the design. HAHA.but when looked through all the photos, I know what I actually want! So, antara yang asek duk tatap siang malam, bukak-tutup, termimpi-mimpi, haa.. here some of it. All of them I find from the internet.
this one look so flowy, but body like this, un-check!
suka banyak-banyak butang, my mom asked me utk jahit sendiri.haha
love the beaded
i know, this one memang serabut. But i love the patches
Ha, now you know how serabut I am. haha..baru nak pilih design ok, 2 months plus left!ewah..should freaked out NOW!