Friday, 29 June 2012

i need a rest puhliss

wahai mata.kenapa la langsung tamau tidoq ni? i got 2 exams tommorow.dh la pg and ptg.damn..kang aku tetidor kang.tak sempat nak kira.oh la mata.. 

saya adalah rindu suami fullstop!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

cincin nikah hilang??

ha tajuk kena ada pertanyaan kan?
 cincin nikah husband hilang tak sampai 24 jam kawen okey
terus speechless, tatau nak cakap apa. nak marah pun rasa tak sampai hati
diam jer dengar *tahan geram ni!!

actually, husband adalah tidak selesa pakai cincin.
 dalam banyak-banyak barang hantaran
he said that, he don't need any ring pun. but i insist sebab sukaaa tengok husband pakai
and before this, i made a promise that i'll never wear any ring given by not-my-husband-yet
even cincin tunang pun pakai bila nak mengahdiri walimah saja and he felt the same way
jadinya, we both tak pernah pakai any couple ring

bila dah kena beli wedding band
husband merasa adalah tidak perlu pun!!??? *roll my eyes
ha tapi, terpaksa la dia mengalah kan? *queen control di situ 

time shooting gambar kawen, dia asek la bermain-main dengan cincin tu
maklumla, tak pernah pakai kan.heh..then malam, after dah mandi semua,
dah mula la dia teringat kat mana letak cincin kawen 

he asked me if i seen his ring before. mana la aku tau dia letak mana
dia dalam bilik, aku kat luar kn *masih malu-malu lagi.kahkahkah
sampai esok pun cari tak jumpa
frust giler bila dengar. he said that he'll buy another ring
kalau nak beli pun the feeling tu dah lain macam. 
tak sama macam mula-mula pakaikan kat jari dia

sampai ke sudah tak jumpa. siap bernazar lagi husband saya tu
tapi, one thing bout husband ialah, he is so positive. he said that, hilang tu ada hikmahnya
padahal, careless tau! his mom selalu bebel, kadang-kadang husband selalu membawa ajaran sesat.
kahkahkah...sampai both dah pasrah dah. and tak marah dah, padahal kadang-kadang isteri ungkit jugak!

balik je dari honeymoon,  nak hantar baju ke dobi. sebab tak larat basuh.
time pilih-pilih baju tu,ha jengjengjeng, terjumpa balik la cincin dia
in the plastic bag. at the very last piece sebelum throw dalam dustbin.haa kau!
eh tetiba teringat, maybe isteri kutip semua baju kotor husband and put all in the plastic bag??
hahaha..isteri salah?eh takla.sapa suh letak kat dalam poket baju melayu kan.wek!

anyway, memang dedua happy giler!!hahaha..bersyukur sangat
nasib plastik tak bocor, dari perlis ke terengganu ke johor tau
 dan we both checked dulu.kalau tak, wallahulam la kan

alhamdulillah, happy husband sebab katanya, kalau gaduh isteri tak boleh ungkit dah =p
lega la bila jumpa balik.

and yes, ada hikmahnya. bila hilang, husband sentiasa alert dengan cincin dia
dah stop main-main cincin, and remember to wear bila pergi kerja
bila tengok cincin kat tangan husband
i always smile, cause he looks so damn good wearing his wedding band
eh okay, im a little bias here..hehe

walau apapun, alhamdulillah.we found something that really precious to us
a memory that never fade.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

my weekend

moi kampung halaman 

rewang for lunch

 having our lunch here

first time main bom pop

qistina yang rajen, lepas main terus sapu.

apart from missing my husband..

on the road

right after the wedding,
we straight away going for our honeymoon
haha..sebabnya husband ada cuti free for one week
taknak membazir cuti, 
so that,we were planning our honeymoon on that particular week

rasa macam seminggu jugaklah we both on the road
from 4th June to 8th june
hari isnin, bertolak dari perlis at 2 pm
lewat rasanya, dengan husband yang tak pernah drive ikut jalan baling, tawakkal sajalah
sebabnya, husband adalah teringin nak makan di Anjung Keli
eh, wife pun sama.kahkah

selepas dah melahap, terus mulalah our first road trip together
i think it's best for newlywed pergi ke tempat yang both tak pernah pergi
so that, boleh explore sama-sama
it's like, very challenging and adventurous
ha time ni la nak kenal husband 
is it he was a panic atau or very calming person
ataupun marah-marah ka??

nasib maps dalam phone ada
i don't like gps yang tau bg direct je.bossy gitu,hehe
i prefer gps yang ada maps tu
so that, boleh tengok keseluruhan tempat
senang rasa sebab dapat catch up if terlepas jalan kan
alhamdulillah, we both takde la tersesat
terlepas jalan sekali kot, eh dua kali.hehe

first stop, perform our prayer
then continue Baling-Pengkalan Hulu-Gerik-Jeli
at 7pm, dah sampai Jeli
rasa lega sebab, jalan ke Kelantan challenging kn
susah nak cilok and banyak lori
but, maybe it's not weekend,
jalan smooth.

jalan bukit-bukit

malamnya, singgah di Bukit Bunga Kelantan
then terus ke Machang, Jertih
at 11pm, we both sampai kt Jeti Merang
the boat akan bertolak around 10 am
jadinya, takkan nak tidor dalam kereta kot

we both decided untuk cari budget hotel
search on tenet, we found Merang Suria Resort
affordable and within budget.
lagipun dekat dengan jeti.
takpayah nak rushing the next day.
sebab dah sampai malam
we both very tired
langsung tak tau surrounding dia macam mana

snap dekat area parking lot. 
our room is in front of, at lower ground

bangun pagi, rupanya
it's a sea-facing resort
patut la rasa biliknya rasa berpasir
not well maintenance

husband booked superior room
ada 2 single bed, tv, bathroom inside, sejadah and coffee pot
so, boleh la untuk satu malam kan
 excluded the breakfast
ala, minum coffee pun dh cukup ken??
 save budget katanya.kahkahkah

itu adalah perjalanan sehari
haha. ada lagi.
belum sampai lagi destinasi sebenar
to be continue to next entry

road to Jetty Merang

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

to my dear husband

today, will going back to uni and trying to finish everything
i hope i can
im started to miss all of our life, here

yesterday, you came back from work
and saying that, you will send me off at Kluang not at Larkin
the reason is. you didn't want me to stay at one bus and then jump to another

the things is, it will take about 1 hr from here to Kluang
and I know that you were quite tired from all day working
but you said that it's okay
beside, we would have more time to spend together
now husband, beratnya rasa nak balik peneng!

last night, we both stay at home and watched hindi movie
haha..i made you accompany me.thank you darling!

and later, what we know that
we talking about how we will miss each other terribly
i miss you even when you were away for only 10 hours err a min maybe
that's why i'm so mad at you when you came back late than usual
blamed the pasar malam and the congested road
talking about this miss thing
actually, takutnya nak menghadap banyak kerja and the thesis thingy.huhu

so many things to miss for
and i really hope that we both can survive this
and i can finish everything
and come home earlier

husband, if you read this
but i secretly do this behind your back.haha
i miss you so much
i can even think what my life is without you
and maybe, i did said this hundred or thousand time
i miss you husband and i love you so much

your wife

Friday, 15 June 2012

home sweet home

husband rent a small flat house near Bandar Dato' Onn.
sebelum ni, memang tak pandai langsung area jb ni
eh sekarang pun tak pandai.
yang pandai, jalan masuk rumah ikut highway, pegi Kipmart, jalan p ofis husband
haha..yang tu aja yang expert.
alhamdulillah, rezeki nak kawen agaknya
my husband's friend move to a new house
baik sangat orang nya
padahal rumah dia sendiri pun belum siap sepenuhnya
but he insist us to have his flat
with very very affordable rental fees
susah nak dapat harga macam ni rasanya
they never rent this house before
so, the house is still in good condition
plus dia dah tiled kan seluruh rumah
 tapi, one thing is
i is tak berapa berkenan dengan warna catnya
haha..else is okay
it's very small flat with 2 bedroom
tapi maintainance rumah bagus
ada cleaner yang akan cuci the corridor and swept daun kering
the block is very clean
this house is semi-furnished..haha..
because, the tuan rumah jualkan his curtain, tv, washing machine
freezer, shelves, cd player 
im reluctant at first
but hey, they 80% good 
still 100% functioning
but needed to clean up a bit
eh, should be bersyukur la kan.haha..
husband bought bedroom set 
with 4-seater dining table
punah tau harapan nak dapat jewellery mirror
sebab duit husband
maka rela sajalah
dah merajuk suh tunggu lepas kawen, boleh beli sama-sama
he still, nak beli jugak
ada sale katanya
plus takut isteri tak selesa
ceh..padahal sendiri yang tak selesa

rasa nak cat len rumah ni
but should be patient
sebab kewangan tak mengizinkan
and, if you love to berangan nak decorate rumah
try this software
it's free and will transform to 3d in 2 hours
 okey, nak p buat cekodok (saya panggil cucuq la sayang!).bye

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

first post from new home

Alhamdulillah, 13 days being a wife to Mr Khairul Faiq.Hee..
after taking a leave about a week,
 husband dah masuk kerja, tinggal la isteri sorang-sorang.
 Banyak gila cerita yang nak update, tapi phone pulak tinggal kt rumah Perlis.
 Ha lambat lagi la boleh ambik and upload pix.
 Ni pun pinjam laptop FIL untuk hilangkan bosan.

 Last week, after balik dr honeymoon, we both terus pindah ke rumah baru kat JB. 
eh jauh gila aku rasa. bangun tidoq bangun tidoq still tak sampai-sampai lagi.
 amboi..hover tau!

 lots of work nak kena selesai before we both headed back to Kluang for groom reception. 
Husband already hired a maid to clean up all the mess that left from previous tenant,
 so masuk rumah baru tak banyak la nak kena cuci teruk-teruk. 

We only rent a flat house from husband's friend. 
 Masuk rumah baru, banyak nya barang nak kena beli.
 Antara yang very important for newlyweds yang baru nak masuk rumah.

 1. belanga/periuk goreng/pots 
2. sudip/senduk/garpu/camca
 3. pisau/gunting 
4. penyapu/mop/berus/dettol
 5. hanger/bakul baju/pengepit 
6. bekas2 tin untuk drainage
 7. bekas beras
 8. tong sampah 
9. alas kaki 
10. bantal tidur
 11. tikar
 12. pasu bunga
 13. periuk nasi/cerek elektrik
 14. pinggan mangkuk/glassware/jug
 15. alas meja/tempat simpan kunci 
16. kain cuci/mitten

 some of it, Alhamdulillah, got as wedding gift and another, kena beli.
 But, banyak lagi yang tak lengkap. after dah beli baru teringat. 
Ok, kena shopping lagi. suka.haha..
Even though rasa macam kecik-kecik je alatan and perkakas yang dibeli, but it takes a lot of money.
 Betul la apa yang orang selalu kata, life after married is more important.