I mean to write bout the labour story longg time ago. Ya Allah, it's already oct so that mean, she now 6 months old. It's a cliche. But, time really flies so fast.
Well, where do I begin. I remember everything like it was just yesterday. Tanya la mana-mana mak pun, mesti ingat punya.I experienced the contraction for the past 4 weeks before but it was only braxton hicks. so takde la mengelabah. people said, if it was very often, you should be worry.
I was very worried as my due date is nearer. If possible, I dont want to be induced. I want it to come naturally. Everybody said, kena banyak berjalan.Come on, with 9 months belly, I rather sleep in or watching tv. hehe.. who care. That's the only time you have your 'me' time before err..having baby.Haha..judging from this blog, that is so true. My world is resolve around her nowadays!
that night, i was missing my husband. We both agreed that he will not going back till the due date which fall in the middle of the weekdays. I was on the phone talking to him. But I felt something different. You knew it was different. You just knew.
I told him I wanna go to the toilet.But I am puzzled. I saw a tiny red spot.Is it a blood strain or it was my only blind sight.hehe..I told my mom, when suddenly, a fresh blood coming down. My mom ask my father to go to the hospital.but, he said that Im not feel the pain yet (It was a mild contraction). And continue to sleep. Nasib tak terberanak kt rumah.
Mom was insist we go to the hospital. It was nearly 1.30 am. I called my husband and told him. He was about to sleep in. So kesian as he didnt get his sleep yet but had to drive nearly 700 km at that time.
At the hospital, the nurse check on me. Pasang ctg to check baby heartbeat(if im not mistaken). Amboi baby. siap tido lagi macamkan takde apa pun. A dr came and check the procedure and all. Then, he had to check on the bukaan. Hurm, it was painful but not as painful as a contraction. HAHA.well, nothing beats that matter.
I was 4cm dilated. I was then ask to be in the labour room. I change to the pink gown, then nurse give me something to help my bowel movement. So effective. the minute after, I have to go to the bathroom like right now.haha..She also gave milo with crackers. Dad bring me a bread and kaya, but I cant eat. I already eat since Friday morning till that night. yes, I am that full. mom was feeding me like a p*g and like she sense that I'm going to give birth that day. I also drank 3 glasses of air zam-zam.
Surprising, when they asked me to go to the labour room, I was so sleepy. I don't know. Am I that freaked out when i I heard labour so that my body react that way. Haha. Entering that room, I can feel that it was so cold. Ada hati lagi nak mintak selimut dari nurse. Belum tau nasib sendiri tu.kahkahkah.
It was nearly 5 am. I can heard a woman saying that it was painful to her mother. If husband was there, of course I'll book the room where husband also can accompany. At that time, the pain come and go. It was still bearable. Nurse came and inject something. Even I felt so sleepy earlier,but I can't sleep.
6 am, 7 am .It getting continues. I taking a glace at the reading. The thing that they put aside your bed. Im sweating a lot. Lucky me many intern that day. And not so many patient in the labour room. So they came and help to ease the pain. She help to refresh me with water and another intern help to rub my body.
I thought I will give birth at midnight. HAHA.well, because my sis were like that before. So I was pretty sure I will experience the same. I dont know that most probably, it will takes 1 hr to dilated 1 cm.
At 9 am, a dr came to check on me. She then said that, you were about a time. You can push whenever you want. The funny thing is, the pain is gone. Where you were going, Im about to give birth, contraction! come back okey.
They waited for me. Hurm for a long time. Until I cannot tahan anymore. I was surround by nurses and dr. They keep motivating me to push. Well, how I'm gonna push. Teach me! After a while, the dr told me that she going to help me by using forcep.While they were preparing, wearing glove and other,they put on a stick (for resting the foot) at that bed. Spontaneous, I got an idea to push without she help me using forcep.Hey, I can use my leg to help me pushy you know. haha..after 3 trial, allahuakbar, she was born. Dr then put her on me. I only can see her hair. After they cut her umbilical cord, nurse want me to confirm 'she'. Masyaallah. She is red. It was a quick one before passing her for other procedure. I can heard my baby crying so loudly while me being stitches. So loud.haha..I can see a chinesse dr carring her around the room, like showing her what is the world. I know that she is my baby daughter from her pink blanket. I can believe that I am a mother.
She then given to me for her first latch. Ya Allah, I was tear up. A bit emotional when she latched on. What a beautiful baby. Alhamdulillah. I smell her hair. The heavenly smell. And, at that moment, all the pain were gone. I can barely remember what is the pain of a contraction.
On her first day in this world