From the last post (that is like so last year), I bought a
book ‘now you are a mother’. Neither that I know, it was so ‘near’ to me that
the next thing is, I’m getting pregnant again! Haha..what a coincidence. The
current pregnancy is unexpected, well how you expect, it’s not your plan. It’s
what Allah had written to his entire slave. At first, I was lke
pregnant again? But the next day, the joy of being pregnant flooded me. But to experience the second birth, it creep me out.
Husband was the one who insisted me to take the upt test. I
know, he is so excited to know and all over the moon. I was so scared to make
the test but deep inside me, I knew it. I am pregnant. It just, it takes some
time for me to really enjoy it. Not that I don’t want it (who doesn’t want a
baby), but you know..a mama issue.
The joy of having another addition came faster. I started to
think the gender, the name and everything. Despite I worried over some matters
(I tend to get worried about the first trimester and others), it was like the
first one. I was overwhelmed. I’m having morning sickness (luckily, it make me
lose those stubborn 5kg weight) but so far, I am healthy. Been worried about the
excess weight. But after the first trimester, the lose weight came faster. My
god, should watch my weight after this. I don’t want to be obese. Crying.
I don’t mind a girl or boy. I enjoy both. Hehe..But I was so
sorry to Amna. My energy drained faster than I though. Thanks to my husband who
so understands bout my condition. The first pregnancy,I get to met him in 2 or
3 weeks but this time, Alhamdulillah. He was here beside me.I am really hoping,
our life will become much more merrier, dilimpahi rezeki and bertambah