Tuesday, 25 September 2012

a selfish person

have you ever encounter a selfish person?annoying isn't?
living at terrace house lagi la menyakitkan hati. before doing any renovation, somehow kena la ambil kira how your renovation can effect people.dah la tambah depan belakang, then takde tempat nak parking ur own car. and the most annoying thing, boleh, 'tidurkan' moto sebelah kereta so that if ada org nak lalu, tak terscratch la kereta mahal tu.kang aku langgaq moto hang sampai bekecai, aku pulak yang salah kan?
habes, macam mana orang depan rumah nak reverse?should pusing macam nak tecabut lengan baru la boleh keluar rumah. i didn't understand how they brain are really functioning. if nak slow talk, got bau-bau bacang.susah hoi.kita ja jaga hati dia, habes dia?sudahnya, diam kan aje la.serious.kalau tengah rushing lagi la rasa macam nak langgaq saja.haha..kejam.
and one more thing, if you live at a neighbourhood, boleh tak fikir pasal environment sikit? if doing any business please la.jangan sampai menggangu pihak lain. boleh, nak meniaga ikan dekat taman perumahan? seafood ni lagi la kan.if you're going to market, mesti nak elak dari tepijak air kotor tu. so kalau dah meniaga sebelah rumah, can you imagine the smell? astaqfirullah dengan lalat lagi.amatla tak sesuai.semua nak hidup dengan selesa kan.barulah tenang hidup.if make a report, mulala cakap org cemburu la apa la.pelik how benda yang macam ni pun boleh tak fikir?ish..ish
okey.dah habes sesi meluah perasaan.haha..

Thursday, 6 September 2012

forgetting the routine

Since got married in June, I seem to cope too much with my everyday life
Staying at 2 places is very tiring. 
In a week, I'll be staying at my parents house in Pelis,travel to Penang, 
and the other weeks, Im staying with husband in Johor

Too tough I tell you because have to travel in 12 hours, 
complete with a week of tiredness, sleepiness 
and a week off before I have a mood to do something. 
Haha..macam sengaja kan. But that's reality

And everytime, sampai je rumah, terus cari katil nak tido. 
And husband has to kutip all the luggage that I left since I take off the shoes.
I'm so sorry husband!
i do have the desire to iron all his work clothes, do the laundary and cook proper meals. 
But I don't have the energy left

so he has to send to dobi. And no delicious meals for him when he got back from work 
unless cucuq kodok saja.hehe..or nak lagi semenggah, cucuq bilis. 
Or IF I am starving to death, I'll cook bihun goreng. or else, he would be the master chef. 
masaklah husband apa pun. asal boleh makan jer la.
A quick one as I am really tired and wanted to spend my time in front of the tv. 
By the time the clock show 10pm, I already slept with tv still showing my favourite drama. 

And one things that I neglet is to have the time for myself. 
I loved reading magazine (or I can say, flipping over colourful pages), take care of myself. 
ala, yang perempuan-perempuan suka sangat nak buat kan.

Staying with my mom, I think she observe how am I taking care of myself after getting married. 
serabut kot agaknya.hahaha..
she always advise to dress properly in front of the husband, make sure wangi-wangi when sambut husband balik kerja, combing my hair sambil dandan sikit-sikit.HAHA..yes. i am that messed.
I didn't take care of my hair since June. Oh my.
and too lazy to really cuci muka before tidor.Ya Allah, selekeh betul.
 Patut la jerawat bertimpa-timpa lepas tu stress sorang-sorang.wakakkaa..

when i told husband, he just laughing. really. gelak betul ka perli ni.ciss..
and when we go out, I rarely put on the makeup. malasnya. 
If i have the porcelain skin, then that's okay I guess.sedar diri.*nangis.

Okeyla. Consider that we both in long distance relationships, I'll taking care of my self properly before husband tegur.wakakaka...
i.have.to.get.rid.of.the.bad.habit. must be!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Aidilfitri tahun ini

So long before writing new post
And it's not too late untuk ucapkan selalmat hari raya 
Raya this year a bit different.yerla dah jadi wife kn

Husband take a week off from duty
At first, rasa macam tak jadi nak beraya kat Perlis
but then, rasa macam tak puas pulak kalau tak dapat raya kat Perlis
nasib husband boleh dipujuk and willing to drive.yeaa

Malam raya, around 2 am, the whole family balik Pontian
setiap tahun mesti raya Pontian dulu, his father side
kagum dgn MIL and nenek, sebab sporting tak kesah raya mana kan
wah, kalau haku, mau nangis kot.hehe..yerla, 3 org je kn.kesian parents nanti

This is my first time balik Pontian. husband ada atuk 
merasa la ada atuk kn and atuk remarry, jadi ada nenek jugak.
atuk very generous and peramah.asek nak bercerita ja
tp cucu nya ni asek tersengih.tak faham!hahaha..lorat jawa. 
kalau nak bersembang dgn atuk, mesti pasang telinga. sebab atuk pun cerita sambil buat lawak
sapa nak cerita, sapa nak gelak ni.hahahhaa

on first hari raya, bangun kemas-kemas and help nenek masak
menantu baru buat kerja senang je.potong sayur.hehe..jadi la kan
semua menziarah kubur nenek, I didnt go and help nenek. eh sebenarnya tlg kacau and tlg sembang je kn
then siap2 mandi, pakai baju baru, pergi solat aidilfitri. surau nya sebelah rumah.jalan kaki aja.

juadah raya, ada ayam masak merah, kuah lodeh.burasak, lemang, rendang.
sayangnya, satu pun tak masuk dek tekak.huhu..memang tak selera la pagi tu
asek teringat bihun mak je (eh apa kes kau nak teringat bihun kan?hahaha..)
makan la juga nasi impit and ayam masak merah
sedap.tapi biasala, beraya tempat org mana nak sama tempat sendiri kan.

lepas dah kenyang makan, semua org beratur and nak bermaafan
a bit different la kan sebab kt perlis, we dont have atuk or nenek. jadi selalu salam dgn mak ayah aja
and, they will salam lama-lama.sambil imbas semua dosa. tp, tak org lain tu tak dengar la butir bicara dia tu.then, atuk akan bg nasihat yang panjang berjela.macam dalam tv.hehe..menantu baru kecut perut dah.tatau nak cakap apa lama2.hehe..itu la tradisi orang jawa kan.

bila sampai my turn, salam laju-laju sambilm mintak ampun.hehehe..tu pun atuk pesan macam2.rasa best pulak ada atuk.sambil atuk nasihat sambil semua tegelak-gelak tgk sorang ni anguk-anguk sebab tak faham
hehee..disebabkan salam kat luar, jadi minta ampun dgn husband sekejap je.ngelat.haha

and later, selama 2 hari, beraya sakan kat Pontian. to my surprise, they really speak jawa.hahahha
termanggu-manggu okey sebab tak faham. sebab banyak org yg lagi tua kan, so they still pelihara bahasa diaorang. bagus la kan boleh tengok and belajar new culture.but they do welcome me.kalau dengan kita, they still cakap bahasa melayu tulen.haha..

gambarnya nantila, malas nak transfer.bila dah rajen kena letak jugak.boleh la dikenang-kenang nanti.

why you did this to me?

i have the cd of my wedding's picture.

no more patience.

but, i can't view. the driver is broken.
