Thursday, 12 December 2013

Book: Now you are a mother

Reading is a time i love most. Lately, susah pulak nak curi masa. But, this book is a good start. Suitable for new mom, mommy-to-be and mother too. A guide for a Muslim mum from pregnancy till the baby is 4 years old. It contains basic tips for taking care of a newborn baby, for mothers and many more. Worth to read I must say.

Please excuse me, i wanna flip over the pages

Tanjung Piai

Last week, my family came for a visit. Memandangkan suami bekerja, so I take my parents to Tanjung Piai. It takes almost 53km from my house in JB to Tanjung Piai. 

The reason is because, I wanna step the southernmost tip of the asia mainland. Hehe..

It was situated in the national park Tanjung Piai. From there, you have to explore the park by walking.

The ticketing is rm5 for adult and rm3 for warga emas. It is a wild park so please take extra cautions. So many monkeys berkeliaran. We bring an umbrella because it was at noon. Kesian Amna takut dia demam. 

At the hall

Beautiful rainforest

The map of the park

Overall, it was like an exercise for us. Haha.. You can view the sea side and a great idea to bring children and teach them to take care of the nature.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Her five months

1 months
banyak tidur dari berjaga. and she smile in her sleep. macam best tengok anak tidur sambil senyum. sometimes menangis tiba-tiba. Luckily, Amna jenis yang tak berjaga malam. hurm, macam perangai mak dia sangat, tak suka stay up malam. She wake up 2 to 3 times for bf. Tapi susah betul nak poo-poo. But they said it was normal for bf babies.

2 months
she can smile socially. time tidur pun tak berubah but takde la macam baby kena jaundice dulu.asik tidur je sampaikan main-main pipi pun still tidur. 

first time senyum bila mama panggil nama

3 months
I caught her roll over but it was mainly because tidur atas bantal karipap. pusing cari mama takde so that, she can roll over. But, after that susah la nak tengok dia pusing meniarap. hehe..she smile widely when she see me. She love to make a bubble. Habis basah baju. Kena pakai bib la. Tapi dia suka pulak tarik bib tu maybe sebab ada plastic, she love dengar bunyi plastik. love to eat her hand. Cium je bau masam.kahkah.. 

4 months
finally, she can roll over a week before entering 5 months. Haha.. mama was so glad that she finally showing her skill. We were eating a breafast at my sister's house when suddenly I caught her lying on her stomach. what a surprise. I even ask her to show again. haha.. but she decide to keep it to herself.
Everyday tengok je perangai dia sebab dah gian nak meniarap agaknya. Cuba-cuba sampai la berjaya.Oh Amna, mama and abah is so proud of you. haha..macam ni la bila dah jadi mak. anak pandai sikit pun dah bangga, terharu semua. sob sob. 

5 months
she master the art of rolling over. dah pandai nak'kisar tepung'. haha..dari utara sampai la barat semua. she became a pro. kalau dengar je dia bunyi hok hek, terus kena datang. sebab biasanya dia dah pusing meniarap cari mama. and first time kena tinggal dengan maktok sebab mama kena drive pergi school. She behave. Maktok kata takde masalah. siap minum susu sampai 7 auns. Padahal kat rumah tak pernah pulak minum banyak macam tu and jarang boleh tidur tanpa mama. good job baby. First time tinggal anak sampai 6 jam, hurm im no that worry. cuma asyik teringat la. maybe sebab i know that she is in good hand. oh she bable a lot. kuat menjerit.  and dah start pilih her familiar faces. If not, she will start crying out loud.

Dah pandai menjulur. This one, mama tak sempat tengok her first move. Maktok tengah take pict then ternampak she move herself to pick up a toy. I was a bit frustated. Because I want to be the first one to witness that. Haha..over but yes, maybe semua working mama pun rasa macam tu kot. And she surprise me that afternoon. I was taking her video when suddenly, dia menjulur ke depan. what a proud mama i am. haha..riuh okay bagitau husband. kahkahkah.after a week baru riuh pasal anak dah pandai pusing, dia pandai meniarap pun lagi la nak riuh kan. hehe.. typical mama. 

Dear Amna Hafiya,
no matter what you were our precious.
Semoga membesar dengan sihat.

Friday, 18 October 2013

The labour story

I mean to write bout the labour story longg time ago. Ya Allah, it's already oct so that mean, she now 6 months old. It's a cliche. But, time really flies so fast.

Well, where do I begin. I remember everything like it was just yesterday. Tanya la mana-mana mak pun, mesti ingat punya.I experienced the contraction for the past 4 weeks before but it was only braxton hicks. so takde la mengelabah. people said, if it was very often, you should be worry. 

I was very worried as my due date is nearer. If possible, I dont want to be induced. I want it to come naturally. Everybody said, kena banyak berjalan.Come on, with 9 months belly, I rather sleep in or watching tv. hehe.. who care. That's the only time you have your 'me' time before err..having baby.Haha..judging from this blog, that is so true. My world is resolve around her nowadays!

that night, i was missing my husband. We both agreed that he will not going back till the due date which fall in the middle of the weekdays. I was on the phone talking to him. But I felt something different. You knew it was different. You just knew.

I told him I wanna go to the toilet.But I am puzzled. I saw a tiny red spot.Is it a blood strain or it was my only blind sight.hehe..I told my mom, when suddenly, a fresh blood coming down. My mom ask my father to go to the hospital.but, he said that Im not feel the pain yet (It was a mild contraction). And continue to sleep. Nasib tak terberanak kt rumah.

Mom was insist we go to the hospital. It was nearly 1.30 am. I called my husband and told him. He was about to sleep in. So kesian as he didnt get his sleep yet but had to drive nearly 700 km at that time.

At the hospital, the nurse check on me. Pasang ctg to check baby heartbeat(if im not mistaken). Amboi baby. siap tido lagi macamkan takde apa pun. A dr came and check the procedure and all. Then, he had to check on the bukaan. Hurm, it was painful but not as painful as a contraction. HAHA.well, nothing beats that matter.

I was 4cm dilated. I was then ask to be in the labour room. I change to the pink gown, then nurse give me something to help my bowel movement. So effective. the minute after, I have to go to the bathroom like right now.haha..She also gave milo with crackers.  Dad bring me a bread and kaya, but I cant eat. I already eat since Friday morning till that night. yes, I am that full. mom was feeding me like a p*g and like she sense that I'm going to give birth that day. I also drank 3 glasses of air zam-zam.

Surprising, when they asked me to go to the labour room, I was so sleepy. I don't know. Am I that freaked out when i I heard labour so that my body react that way. Haha. Entering that room, I can feel that it was so cold. Ada hati lagi nak mintak selimut dari nurse. Belum tau nasib sendiri tu.kahkahkah.

It was nearly 5 am. I can heard a woman saying that it was painful to her mother. If husband was there, of course I'll book the room where husband also can accompany. At that time, the pain come and go. It was still bearable. Nurse came and inject something. Even I felt so sleepy earlier,but I can't sleep.

6 am, 7 am .It getting continues. I taking a glace at the reading. The thing that they put aside your bed. Im sweating a lot. Lucky me many intern that day. And not so many patient in the labour room. So they came and help to ease the pain. She help to refresh me with water and another intern help to rub my body.

I thought I will give birth at midnight. HAHA.well, because my sis were like that before. So I was pretty sure I will experience the same. I dont know that most probably, it will takes 1 hr to dilated 1 cm. 

At 9 am, a dr came to check on me. She then said that, you were about a time. You can push whenever you want. The funny thing is, the pain is gone. Where you were going, Im about to give birth, contraction! come back okey. 

They waited for me. Hurm for a long time. Until I cannot tahan anymore. I was surround by nurses and dr. They keep motivating me to push. Well, how I'm gonna push. Teach me! After a while, the dr told me that she going to help me by using forcep.While they were preparing, wearing glove and other,they put on a stick (for resting the foot) at that bed. Spontaneous, I got an idea to push without she help me using forcep.Hey, I can use my leg to help me pushy you know. haha..after 3 trial, allahuakbar, she was born. Dr then put her on me. I only can see her hair. After they cut her umbilical cord, nurse want me to confirm 'she'. Masyaallah. She is red. It was a quick one before passing her for other procedure. I can heard my baby crying so loudly while me being stitches. So loud.haha..I can see a chinesse dr carring her around the room, like showing her what is the world. I know that she is my baby daughter from her pink blanket. I can believe that I am a mother.

She then given to me for her first latch. Ya Allah, I was tear up. A bit emotional when she latched on. What a beautiful baby. Alhamdulillah.  I smell her hair. The heavenly smell. And, at that moment, all the pain were gone. I can barely remember what is the pain of a contraction.

On her first day in this world

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Viva Voce

As I said earlier in the previous post, I had my viva on 27th March. It was a day before my brother's reception. I guess, it need a separate post as this also means something to me. I received a phone called form the office 2 weeks before the date, asking if I could have my viva on 28th March. Oh my, the same exact date. I ask for a day earlier. So they approved.

All this while, I was praying that, my viva will held before my due date. So then, I can do the correction on my confinement days. Yeah right.hehehe...also, it easier for me to travelled to USM as I can leave my baby to my mother. Alhamdulillah, Allah granted my prayer.

After receiving the phone calls, here come the study part.hehehe..haih bukan la study banyak sangat pun. It's too bad attitude. Haiyo.. rasa macam lost track pulak. But alhamdulillah. everything went well. Despite, there were some questions that I blurred, hahahhaha..they agreed to awarded my master, with condition, I completed my correction. They asked if I want 6 months or 9 months considering that I'm pregnant, I choose 9 months. It's a very long due but I hope I can grad this year. So I have to send to the senate before September I guess. Pretty please, can I do the correction faster? oh well. Let's strive hardly.

Thanks to my husband. He took a leave nearly a week, padahal he just got back to JB on Sunday then have to traveled back on Monday night for the sake of giving me motivation and become my driver.tq husband!

Reminiscing the memory doing the research, there were some ups and downs. I realize that, I love research more than I know. I always happy when I get good result or I learn something new. But the worst part, being a researcher, u have to read a lots of journals!!man, it was so hard memorizing everything.hahhahaha...I knew that I wanted to made a career in this field or so. I adore educator and researcher.

Some people do wonder what actually a second degree student doing?okay la. some people might get it but i do get a lot of questions from stranger!can u imagine, someone u barely knew wanted to know everything bout you?entah la.mb because I once become a top student at my primary school (ni bukan riak ni, sekarang dah just, during my day) so then, there were so many people asking here and there.

yeah. I know I took a long way just to complete my second degree(actually, it's not that complete yet, still on the way). If I were taking a class, then it were easier to said that, I'll finish in some term or term. But doing a research, we also don't know the time to complete yet. After sending the hardest part, the thesis, then you have to face the viva voce and then do the correction, then you officially grad. see.even I'm complete my task, still it's a long way for me. I know, maybe they were concern towards my career and my life, but, I believe in rezeki Allah yang akan tentukan. Not to worry, kalau berusaha, insyaAllah, He granted you something.

Okay. Now, it's time to complete the correction. Sikit pun tak bukak lagi. Haha..boleh siap ke ni?Im positive I can. Hehe..Takpa la. at least, berazam jugak.hehe

Friday, 5 April 2013

the activities

Hello April.please be good to me!

Phew!March was fully contended with so much schedule. And I'm pretty tired with all the events and everything. February also leave me nothing but a busiest month. Early February, as I moved in permanently with my husband, we started to buy baby's stuff. it's kinda late I guess since Im already in my 7 months, hehe..tapi lagi best daripada kena beli sorang-sorang kan even I decide on everything.haha..the weekends usually penuh la dengan aktiviti shopping since my husband is so busy. sebelum ni tak pernah la pulak. since I moved in, boleh dikatakan hari-hari balik lambat and sometimes, he even going back to the office till 4 am. kesian husband.takpa la.rezeki baby.

during CNY, we both travelled back to Perlis for my brother engagement. Tell you what, through the journey, I experienced backpains, gasses, and everything.Lose appetite, kembung perut and even muntah-muntah. Husband was worried since we'll be back again for my brother solemnization. Memang berdoa cepat-cepat sampai. I need a bed to rest.

After February, here come March!Ya ya, if it's not March then what?haiya..As usual, busy as a housewife.hehe..Yeah right, busy wathing dramas, trying new recipe and what not?becoming a good wife.hehe..kesian husband because dah lama tak rasa isteri masak. ada hari sedap elok and ada jugak yang need an improvement!eh berani dia cakap tak sedap, kang merajuk takmau masak dah.hahaha..and I can see that he is very eager to taste his wife's cooking. sometimes, bila rasa malas sangat nak masak, he can tapau but bila tanya jer, slowly cakap, lagi suka isteri yang masak.hahhaha..nasib baik dia jenis yang akan clean up everytime habis makan.sebab isteri biasanya terus akan baring depan tv.wakakka..letih dah masak ni. and kalau goreng benda yang minyak memercik, dengan rela hati dia nak buat.hahhaha..yeah, im penakut minyak like that. kadang-kadang lari sebatu lepas letak cakap, nak masak jangan takut.slowly la i change that!

and first time I accompany him to a meeting in Muar. eh takde la belakon jadi engineer sama hehe..jadi co-driver jerla. So he bring me to his favourite asam pedas. also taste kuih kacang. sedap makan time panas-panas. stall kecik ja siap kat celah-celah bangunan lama. this stall memang dah lama kot, so orang-orang Muar je yang tau. what else, sight seeing jer la area Muar.

so the end of the month, I have my viva and my brother's wedding. Once again, we travelled back to Perlis. But this time, singgah Klang sebab menumpang my sister. She said dia letih sangat sebab tak siap berkemas, jadinya we stay one night.esoknya baru bertolak balik. I guess right decision jugak sebab we both boleh berehat. so takdela kejadian sakit pinggang and lain-lain.

And now, It's April. Excited plus nervous. owh. harap dipermudahkan.

Monday, 18 March 2013

pregnancy so far

I'm in my 36 weeks pregnancy (padahl sibuk check dah)haha..
how time flies so fast. time awal-awal pregnant dulu, rasa macam lambatnya nak enter 2nd trimester and so on. but now, in less than a month, we will having our baby.insyaAllah.

entering my 2nd trimester, i think everything look good. my health more sudden craving bila tengok makanan.haha..tapi yang paling seram, selera makan dah bertambah.owh, tekejut kadang-kadang how can i stuff myself dengan banyak gila makanan. hahaha...and after every meal, im looking for something to munching. preferably, biskut la. sebab senang capai and fruits. and no surprise, I gain 4kg in a month.duh..

early 20-24 weeks, still selera makan takde la mengejut sangat. but, i can stuff myself with anything. just, i don't really like to eat. muntah-muntah semua dah stabil. still very active. some people don't know that im pregnant. my tummy still not show yet.yang paling lawak, i bump with one of the techinician staff at the clinic. he thought that im not married supervisor siap tekejut when i told her that im pregnant. dia suruh bangun lagi nak tengok perut. punyalah tak percaya. padahal, time rushing nak ke bilik dia, i always stop to catch my breath outside her room.hehehehe..nak memanjat sampai tingkat 3 tu punyalah penat. dah la selalu lambat. that's why. heee..

in my 24-28 weeks, memang sungguh la berubah. selera makan macm gorgon. semua benda nak makan.anything. nafsu semata. bila beli, kadang dah tak boleh sumbat (tadak ruang dalam perut dah -___-), sanggup,makan ulang-ulang. tanak membazir. but sometimes, membazir jugak la. bila langsung tak boleh suap dah.

and first time kena minum air gula sebab lebih berat badan. got help from friends. and i've prepared myself with the worse effect.hehe..and that's my tips. expect the worse la. so that, mentally, i can tolerate to anything. bila kena minum, telan cepat-cepat. and nurse said, minum sikit air suam buat basah tekak. so, i don't think air gula is so bad la kan. hehehe..the after effect, pening kepala. other than kena minum air gula, have to check my bp 3 times in a week. alhamdulillah, semua ok. result air gula, i don't know yet. owh, i take tetanus injection 2 times, in my 20 weeks and 24 weeks.

my pregnancy so far, alhamdulillah. sakit belakang belum menyerang. cramp dekat betis sometimes je. tapi, cepat penat. swollen feet, not yet. alhamdulillah. but, paling nangis, dah start nampak stretch mark.huwaaa..cepat-cepat sapu losyen n bio-oil.harap bekesan. tapi, it still exist.nangis bukan kepalang dah ni.takpa la. anggap jerla hadiah pregnant. bila ngadu dengan husband, he said it's okay. pregnant kan. tp bila tunjuk, terus dia cakap scary his defend, tengok memang la macam scary. sebab tak pernah tengok. but it's okay. yerla husband. whatever. (sayang, bagi pinjam kereta jap, nak balik kampung!!merajuk.)

and last check-up at Poliklinik Kathi (the nearest and the only clinic that we know around our neighbourhood yang ada buat scan), finally we know the gender of the baby. baby tak malu-malu nak menunjuk. siap time scan, dia boleh exercise tangan, kaki sebelah lipat, sebelah lagi tengah melurus. apa yang awak sedang buat tu baby.harap gender nye adalah betul la. kang dah siap beli, sekali gender lain.takpa la bb.merasa la pakai baju kaler macam-macam kan.hahahhaa...which one pun, we still love u baby.

and today is my 36th weeks of pregnancy. baby suka sangat mengeras badan. kadang-kadang rasa macam dia poke me at and sometimes, macam dia tengah bergolek suka hati. hahahha...i think, time paling dia suka sangat nak main, is when im sitting or ride a car. haaa....berombak-ombak perut rasa. i do wonder apa la yang dia tengah buat ni.apa-apa jerla baby.asalkan aktif. apa-apa pun, we do hope that, the baby is in good health. dirahmati and diberkati. semoga lahir sihat dan sempurna.amin..another 4 I ready.owh..

so,there's go my update bout the pregnancy. next week will be the busiest week. hope that baby can hold on, and lahir selepas this week okey. harap Allah mudahkan semuanya..amin...

his side picture

entry malas namanya. tapi nak jugak masuk dalam blog.apakah??hahha..

pengapit include dalam package.bagus betul.tak payah pening-pening pilih dah.haha

merasa la ada cake cutting caremony.haha

tarian kuda kepang while pengantin having makan beradab.

outdoor belakang kedai sudah.


for my husband's reception on 10th June 2012,we wore blue colour
my PIL hired the wedding planner, who was arrange everything
including makeup, what bride n groom been wearing, everything
the only thing that we hired, the photog.others were taking care by them
i was not involve in any of the planning. i think, that the best decision for me.
the wedding was the first in the family. i understand their excitement and just want to make them happy.
so, not objection in any of their decision.

the pro's: everything was taking care. no need to pening kepala bout the reception.coming down as a bride and everything was running smooth.more organize with the schedule prepared

the con's: of course, before the day, it may not be your liking and you heart is full of curiosity and wondering.haha..but, it may turn out one of your happiest day ever!and yeah, you can't complain anything!!

the makeup
erm, i dont like the lipstick on most of the look pale and i don't think i'm suited with pink colour.seriously, i hate that and the colour on my face. i thing it should be more natural and she could use other blue. At first it was just okay and i didnt't expect anything as it was included in the package. and the way it turn out on the camera, i didn't check it properly. big mistake. should test on the camera before and told her immediately!man, i do feel regret when look on the picture.haha..but, no harm here

the wedding  garments
no complain as it was my MIL choice. and they were not so much blue left at the boutique. so, i zip things long as she were happy.but i am vey fattttt!no one to blame but myself.cehh!

the pelamin, bilik and wedding decoration
one thing that i should remember, it was all nicely deco. since i didn't expect anything, it was better than what i have in my mind.haha..i mean, they have everything.centrepiece, the cake cutting corner, the walkaway.nicely set and done.pelamin also beautifully setted.bilik pengantin is a bonus because the wedding was done at the, it was in the package.overall, i am thankful.

the arrangement
seriously, this need a lot of appreciation. runner told us what to do and guide us, they have the silat, kompang, selawat nabi, cutting cake caremony and zapin!well, johor kan. this is new to us as they have the joget and zapin being perform while we enjoying our makan beradap. thumbs up! no need to ponder on anything. all were nicely arrange by them. the PA system also did a very good job.they even want us to make a speech, my PIL, my parents and us, pengantin!nervous okay time nak bercakap.

photography session
during my side, we don't have time to take a picture with the whole we were the host. so during his side, we were able to take pictures either with my side or his side. and the outdoor, buat dekat shoplots je kau!hahahaha..pengantin penat and we just agree with their suggestion. afterall, it was late in the evening and the reception ended around 6pm.alhamdulillah.may people came at his side maybe because the next day is the first day after school holiday and i think, its the penutup of all the kenduri during that school break, and well, this was the first wedding in his family.

so in my conclusion, i am very thankful, grateful and deeply in debt to my PIL to organize such a truly amazing reception for both of us. we both agree that, we just followed what have been prepared for us with open arms. So, i think i am more happy with the way it was. truly a blessing for both of us. i cant express how much i feel so honored and blessed. Despite the lack here and there, the most important thing, wedding is for everybody to share the happiness and not for the sake of bride's only. Something to ponder :)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

the bride's reception

sambung dengan kisah wedding yang tak habis lagi tu. something to write on my blog

theme : fuchsia tapi jadi macam shocking pink pulak.

bride's attire: dearest mommy.kain semua beli dekat Jakel Shah Alam.penat mak tawar menawar. dapat jugak la harga yang dia nak.tapi bila fikir, lebih baik beli dekat Jakel Jln Tar. sebab could get 4m beaded lace with the same price.

veil by myself. gagah jahit sendiri.haha..bought plain soft net. sebab nak bagi dia flowy sikit. cut and sew lebihan manik dari baju nikah.

shoes bought from kedai kasut kat Alor Star Parade, near Reject Shop. 4 inch pump heels but very comfortable. shoes is in big size sebab dah habes size. she suggest using silicon, harga Rm 4 untuk lapik kaki. so, kasut takkan terkeluar la and very comfortable even im wearing super high heels.selesa je takde rasa macam pelik.hehe..this was last minute. susah nak cari matching kasut. finally, jumpa jugak.and as usual, tampal beaded dari lebihan baju.

groom's: tempah baju somewhere in Kluang.

accesories, from bridal dekat Kuala Perlis (sungguh tak puas hati dengan service dia). mula-mula beriya janji, kalu takde pun still dia akan cari jugak. but lastly, bila hari yang dah janji, entah hapa-hapa ja yang dia bagi. seriously, lebih baik beli je accesories haritu. i bought my own crown at Semua House.hahaha..sebab mak nak sangat crown tu. lagipun, we get the cheapest price i think. so, saja untuk kenangan. and my friend already pinjam untuk hari kahwin dia. so tak membazir.hee..

hand bouquet : same florist dekat Kangar. harga around RM 60.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Hello's been too long that i havent update anything on the blog
i have so much to tell, but i just promise myself
no blogging until i fullfill one of my new year resolution. still a long journey, but alt least, i complete one of the requirement

owh, dah sebulan dah masuk tahun baru. and sometime, i do write 2012, not 2013.hahaha..
2012 is the year that i never forget for the rest of my life.and this year too.insyaAllah.

so, new year resolutions?i have a really long list. man, i don't know if i can complete it in a year.well, we see.
and, to my surprise, the new year begin with lots of so busy catching up everything. 
kesian baby.kadang2 kena neglet. and sometime, kena teman stay up sama2..owh my, im so sorry baby.okey, nanti kita ganti balik masa tu yer.

and this half of the new year, my schedule is pack. and should prepare for the arrival of our newborn baby. till date, i havent buy anything for the baby. any single things.oh..tgk mommy lain dah start prepare. im entering my 30th weeks, tp satu apa pun tak siap.oh my.banyaknyaaa..takpa.satu2..

and the good things is, finally, i'm move in permanently with my lama move in but usually, after a week or more, mesti balik perlis or peneng. and now, should focus on more important things.
okey, let's focus one by one.shall we.