Wednesday 6 February 2013


Hello's been too long that i havent update anything on the blog
i have so much to tell, but i just promise myself
no blogging until i fullfill one of my new year resolution. still a long journey, but alt least, i complete one of the requirement

owh, dah sebulan dah masuk tahun baru. and sometime, i do write 2012, not 2013.hahaha..
2012 is the year that i never forget for the rest of my life.and this year too.insyaAllah.

so, new year resolutions?i have a really long list. man, i don't know if i can complete it in a year.well, we see.
and, to my surprise, the new year begin with lots of so busy catching up everything. 
kesian baby.kadang2 kena neglet. and sometime, kena teman stay up sama2..owh my, im so sorry baby.okey, nanti kita ganti balik masa tu yer.

and this half of the new year, my schedule is pack. and should prepare for the arrival of our newborn baby. till date, i havent buy anything for the baby. any single things.oh..tgk mommy lain dah start prepare. im entering my 30th weeks, tp satu apa pun tak siap.oh my.banyaknyaaa..takpa.satu2..

and the good things is, finally, i'm move in permanently with my lama move in but usually, after a week or more, mesti balik perlis or peneng. and now, should focus on more important things.
okey, let's focus one by one.shall we.

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