when the date is approaching so fast
it feels like in a blink of an eye
suddenly, I experienced so many emotion
I don't know if this is about hormone or the way it is
bila ramai yang cakap tak boleh attend the wedding
I just say, it was okay
I try to stay calm and be reasonanble to whatever reason
but deep inside, I feel so sad and frustated
kadang-kadang rasa macam stress sangat
lagi stress, bila orang cakap kesian pada pengantin
tak ramai boleh datang
lagi la rasa nak menangis
u know, when u were expected people to come and cherish your happy moment
it just wouldn't happend
it was so sad at first
but, kalau dilayan perasaan,
mesti lagi stress
but, I always remind myself,
expect the unexpected
and appreciate whoever share your moment
and dont blame other if they couln't come
they may have their reason
so come on, don't be so stress
this is just a small matter
tak payah la nak sedih sangat
biasa la tu kan
bila kita dah block tarikh, maybe orang tu ada hal yang tak boleh nak elak
just cheer up kn
and be happy that you eventually,
will getting married to the man that you truly love!!