Wednesday 9 May 2012

invitation card

got my invitation card 28th Aprill
perasaan, nothing.hahahaha..
i'll wait for the card almost a month
but, considering that
they didn't have enough worker, so, okey

the card is, love
I manage to love after several attemp. HAHA
they deliver something that we been asking before

but the truth is i don't like their service

before this, they promise to done everything at the end of March
so, we have 2 months before the wedding
however, they called, asking to pick up later than that
have to discuss with my parents first
yang nak drive jauh-jauh is my dad
mesti la kena tengok schedule dia dulu

but then, we visited jugak end of March
nak tengok if they dah buat or not, maybe before that,
ada yang memaki hamun di fesbok diaorang
so, they expect all the bride will be like that
beria terang like we don't understand kerja diaorang
i accepted it, biasa la kalau nak explain
the thing is, yang membuat i'm getting mad and dissapointed
how they being so rude while explaining

lepas tu, macam nak marah pulak dah
siap perli-perli suruh berdoa banyak-banyak
sembahyang jangan tinggal
so then, proses berjalan lancar
ya Allah, seriously
frustated sangat 
i just smile and said, okey then

they set a date,on 21st April
but, we came a week later
marah pulak sebab tak datang ambil hari yang dah janji
penat buat cepat-cepat
alasan, my dad cakap nak cepat
i smile again sambil cakap
yerla, bride tanak kasi pressure kan
take your time, tambah, dah tak cukup pekerja kan
eh berasap aku tau!
nasib bukan org yang sama entertain
kalau dak, aku sembur hang kt situ jugak.huh

but syukur la.sekarang dah suka
and tak payah serabut fikir pasal benda remeh temeh.

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