Sunday 25 November 2012

most precious gift

Alhamdulillah, Allah granted our wish to have a baby. I'm reaching my 20 weeks in few I guess it's the right time to write the experience here

After getting married, we both had talked about the baby
but, never getting into any serious discussion
but I surely know that, my husband wanted the baby most
alhamdulillah. he never give any pressure or blame me or anything.
he just secretly wish that my P is not coming every month.haha..
and for me, I'm always accepted with open arm.If Allah granted our wish, i never thank enough

many married couple do advise that, do not feel the pressure to get pregnant immediately
we tend to get the same question whenever we go anywhere
even one of my friend, who recently having a baby, do ask me privately on fb just after the wedding.she advised me to make the baby ASAP like i don't want a baby.well.i don't know why people do that.
we were really really newlyweds. just give us some time
afterall, it's Allah plan, not us

it was in the mid Ramadhan.i remember one time, after having our Maqrib prayer, i looke at my husband face and secretly dua' that i'm pregnant on that holy month. so that, me,baby and husband can pray tarawikh together.
I started to notice that mr p is coming late.but never bother as some people said that, maybe our body is trying to adjust to the hormone after getting married. before this, my mr P is a very schedule person. i was in Penang at that time.i called my husband and we both just like, being so playful couple.behave like im pregnant and everything.hahaha..

but i do felt that, i tend to feel so tired easily. after subuh, i will sleep like no body business.
even, husband have to wake me up, and im half asleep, send him to the door, and wait impatiently for him to lock the door with eyes halfy shut down, and go straight to the bed.haah. to tired to say goodbye or even smile or wait patiently until he safely go to the office.hehe..

so, after getting late about 4 to 5 days, i know that something is wrong.
i told husband and he didn't want me to take the upt test alone. he really wanted to do that together
so, he bought me one clear blue digital upt tester back in JB.hehe..he did the survey alone. i just ask him to buy upt tester in whatever brand.i don't really care.haha..good job husband!

so the next wednesday, during sahoor, my husband was preparing the meals (im was so tired from the long journey..hee..) i was awake and remember to do the upt's best to have the test in the early morning as our urine is very fresh at that nervous jugak rupanya.hahaha..
and wow, clear blue is so fasting in deliver the result!

eh terbalik.malas nak rotate.haha

i asked husband and told him that im not pregnant.hehe..just wanted to know what was his reaction.he's calmly said that, it's okay.maybe bukan rezeki. padahal, ada sedikit la rasa sedih kat muka dia.kahkahkah..
i gently ask him to look for himself. pregnant?hee..

we both actually, was very blur. we're not jumping on the couch like tom cruise or excitedly hug each other.
we just, calm. and I move to our bedroom and laid down. while thinking, what is the next step.haha..husband come and congratulate.seriously, like I won something.kahkahkah..and we both laugh and hug.that's the best.after that, terus straight pergi makan nasi. eh, macam takde feeling.nope. we just, lost for a words.

actually, im very afraid of anything happen to my pregnancy. i'll pray that Allah will protect us from any harm and my baby will be safe in the womb. it's not an easy job to have a baby. it's rezeki from Allah and Allah know when is the right time to give the most precious gift.Alhamdulillah. now, there are many things to consider. Im in the process of learning, becoming a daughter in law, a wife, and now a mother.
moga Allah mudahkan segalanya.insyaAllah.

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