Friday, 28 December 2012


phew, lama giler baru nak cerita.for the sake of the memory.lama-lama nanti lupa la pulakjadi tabahlah perah otak ingat balik kenangan nak kawen dulu
actually, banyak sangat benda nak cerita.jadi, let talk about it one by one la  kan
kang, sampai tahun depan pun tak siap-siap lagi cerita.hehe..

 so Friday morning 1st June of 2012, wake up earlier. lepas dah solat subuh semua, takdela nak nervous sangat kan.macam biasa.dengan kepala penuh sangat agenda yang tak siap-siap.hoih.stress.nasib ada kakak penyelamat.

awal pagi, bangun and still doing the hantaran. teringat inainya belum pakai lagi.ha hambek.i just want the simple inai, taknak lukis bagai. teringin tapi bila pikir, rasa serabut pulak nanti.better pakai yang simple saja. i get help from my sister. she do the henna part. but what matter most, tersalah beli inai yang hitam tu!!!ha tatau dah nak cakap apa perasaan.hahhhaha..pakai sekejap tapi hitamnya macam pakai tato.cepat-cepat basuh tangan and try tips yang mak bagi.guna sabun la, guna asam jawa la. nasib la pakai sekejap ja,kalau lama lagi, mau pengsan agaknya. at last, okey la sikit.jadi macam pekat darah gitu.pasrah dah time ni.huhu..nangis dalam hati!

after Jumaat prayer, my dad said that tok imam nak akad nikah lepas asar. i was a bit shock la sebab memang tak bersedia. and the venue also wasn't decide wether nikah di masjid or rumah. because, ada yang komplain, kalau ajk masjid je, boleh akad kat rumah.other kena dekat masjid. so to be fair and square, kena akad di masjid. i was prepared before this eventhough nak sangat-sangat nikah di rumah.entah la,feeling dia lain sikit kot.

menangis jugak la kan sebab my dad cakap, takpa la takde photog pun, makeup sendiri bagai.meraung okey!sedih ya amat la kan sebab my dad fikir, kena hormat tok imam. yerla.dia yang nak tolong nanti kan.tok imam tak sihat and ada kuliah malam tu.kalau nak tunggu jugak, takut terlambat nanti. i was frustated la kan sebab dah set awalnya malam. bila cakap dengan tunang, he just okay. sebab boleh kawen lagi awal.pfft!

nangis ngadu-ngadu ngan my sis sampai tanak cakap dengan bapak sendiri.haha..anak manja dengan bapak so when this happen, merajuk last, mak insisted my father to slow talk dengan tok imam.because if tengah hari, kena masak menu lain. we were planning to jamu lauk-pauk.kalau dah petang, mesti guest still kenyang and orang dapur tak siap masak lagi kan. time tu memang kelam kabut call op and mua nak ubah masa kan.dah la op from baling.tak sampai pun lagi.mana tak menggelabah.but Alhamdulillah, after several discussion, my dad said, okey.still boleh teruskan jugak majlis as planned.

bila dah petang, bilik pengantin pun still tak siap lagi. but it was a simple decoration. so no worries.just hang in the curtain and tukar cadar and put some perfume. dah siap la sis still sibuk lagi siapkan hantaran decoration. she n bil gigih cari benda yang tak cukup and do it in minimal 7pm, taking a bath and siap solat before makeup. my mua arrived at 7 something and afer performing my prayer, terus makeup around 7.30pm. my bestfriend came to so happy to see them.hee..terus dah lupa semua drama sebelum ni.

dalam nervous tak nerous sangat tu, haha..sempat call fiancee tanya kt mana.dia siap boleh buat lawak apa ntah.macam tak takut je.ceit.and when by 8.30, they all arrive.ha time ni baru nak start nervous sis dah start panggil suruh pergi fels like entering a tak penah p pun dah boleh rasa.haha.memang memandai jerla kan.

dengar khutbah tu sekejap ja rasa.maybe sebab debar-debar sikit. lagipun, Perlis memang takde banyak sangat soalan killer question. sebabnya, taknak memalukan bakal pengantin.yerla. pengantin nervous.mana nak ingat semua benda asas tu kan.after a while tok imam give advice semua, he then pass to my father. my father did akad for my sister and same as this time.terima kasih bapak.

as my father pegang tangan my husband, sebak rasa. sayu pun ada.tapi xde la nangis.haha..pengantin relax.mak and kakak pengantin pulak yang sebak-sebak.actually, time tu rasa macam blur gila. betul ka dah nak kawen.and segala benda la..once he said the akad, i looked at him.muka macam lega gila.hehe..but tak boleh tengok muka bapak sendriri.alahai..nasib boleh kaver ayaq mata.all i can heard is that, my father was sobbing. siap ada yang cakap, takpa la.dah lepas.alhamdulillah.owh memang macam-macam perasaan rupanya time tu. i hug my father.muka senyum tapi dalam hati macam ehh blurnya nya.hoii apasal la pengantin ni kan.memanjang ja tak pecaya dah kahwen dah.

after that, husband minta izin nak solat sunat dulu. we went inside and he did solat sunah. dah la cari sejadah tak jumpa. solat la atas carpet.kesian suami. and then off pergi makan. time nak keluar makan tu, rasa macam pelik.sebab tetiba kena assist suami. dah la pulak tu. dia siap bisik tolong ambik kan air.pelik ok perasaan dia.tenang.nak gelak.tak pecaya.tapiii percya laaaa..the touching part is when my father said, dah habis tanggungjawab dia. sedihnya..anak yang degil ni tetap nak cakap, beluumm lagi. i wanna be anak yang manja lagi.hukhuk.after dinner then we were asked to sarung cincin and gelang. and take picture with both family.penatnya la dah habes kenduri akad nikah.rasa macam esoknya malas dah nak berkenduri bagai.letih.

after all, alhamdulillah. we both at last berjaya jugak. this is not the ending but the beginning of our life. there were so many obstacles, rumours and everything. a lot of stories that we should kept among us. hope that we were still be able to stand side by side through thick or thin. i love you husband!

p/s..tengah dalam mood mencari idea kahwin lagi.another wedding for next year!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

solemnization attire

Rasa dah dekat 6 bulan baru nak up entry pasal wedding.ah..fedulik.nak jugak ada dalam blog sendiri.haha..

1. Baju kurung moden
Proudly made by my mother. Kain fully beaded bought during her visit for umrah. Tengok gambar rasa nak pakai lagik baju ni. Anak tudung from kedai somewhere area Taman Sena, kedai Fitrah kot. selalu panggil kedai Imah saja. price rasanya tak sampai rm20. anak tudung okey sebab terbentuk elok. used tudung 4 segi, my sis wear during her akad nikah.jadi tak membazir.hehe..the most proudly made by the bride, veil. bough 1.5m plain net.this one yang tak terlalu lembut or terlalu keras sebab nak biar dia terbentuk sikit.gunting bentuk D and patch with perca kain baju akad nikah.without adding more beading sebab malas dah.haha..kasut same, recycle kasut my sister.
contact the same person yang makeup during bertunang.but unfortunately, dia ada event.tapi adik dia ganti.herm..bila tengok gambar rasa macam okey. in the beginning, ada sikit kena touch up. but later, rasa okey la kot. because she is willing to travel and most important,perempuan. 

3. hand bouquet
this one memang last minute. didnt know that, kalau nak order bunga yang bermusim, at least kena place order a month before.huhu..melepas peluang nak bunga kegemaran. choose pink disco roses and request letak pearl at the center. tempah kat kangar. area sederet ngan compuland. kalau nak beli bunga murah, boleh beli kat Danok.tapi sapa pulak yang nak p tu. or pagi-pagi from bazar cina. 

tengok gambar rasa macam nak kawin lagi..tapi dengan orang yang sama.haha..

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

the emotion

entering the second trimester, i can proudly said that, i haven't experienced any emotional break down yet
some of my friends had this feeling when their husband can't fulfill their craving
or simply just by watching drama. i know, every pregnancy treat you in different ways.

im a sensitive person before especially during that 'time'. so i guess the hormone did drive me crazy once in a while. i guess, being pregnant is a bless as my husband said, im more calm and gentle.haha..
even when i'm really mad, i can stay calm, like nothing happen

until recently, i felt a bit different. im more prone to any sensitive issues, like a crybaby. no one said anything. but im the only person who think deeply and felt the negativity running inside my body.
and in the middle of the night, my body is too tired but i can't properly shut my eyes cause of this deep thinking.hasihh..not good!

im quite sure this is because of the pregnancy hormone?isn't?well, let just blame the hormone.owh please. i want my baby to be the happiest baby. im too tired for any drama.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

satisfying the craving

since pregnant, i dont have any weird craving. even when mom asked what would i like to have for lunch, i just don't know. cooked whatever.i'll bite them up.haha..
but one time,i am craving in the middle of the night.koteow(not sure of the spell) goreng, only from hostel's cafe.haha..siap tak boleh tidor sebab teringat-ringat.

others, i think i can tahan lagi la.but on ig, it so difficult to tahan and have to telan air liur saja.
but this one, i've been craving for so long.haih.susahnya nak cari.
padahal, kalau tak teringin tu, ada ja jual.senang nak cari.
we both don't know where to get this in JB. if KL banyak tempat kan.
we have tried to ask at Delicious, oh my.dah habes pulak at that time. memang betul-betul tak ada rezeki la
lastly today, the search came to an end!hehe

i was paying for my lunch and a white box with choclate moist cake flyer glued at the front,
i opened and thought im having choc cake today. but came to me,nada. so i just grab the white one thinking that, okey. we have coconut jelly la for today.hee..but i do wonder, what the heck, the jelly cost me bout RM5 ? talking to my husband and give a oh my, to my surprise. it was red velvet cake.hahaha..memang rezeki sungguh.
it was not so damn good but i guess it satisfy my craving.

so lepas ni dah tak mengidam dah.sebab dah dapat rasa.hee..

and now, kuddos to my growing baby bump!
i can't even buttoned my jeans or fitted into my usual shirt
owh.well, maternity pant is not suitable, yet since my belly is not that big.
pakai the usual one, rasa macam nak tersembul perut.
wear maternity, too loose.oh my belly!

Monday, 10 December 2012

engagement of my bestie

i have a lot of stories in my tak best la cerita tanpa gambar, jadi i put it in hold 
last saturday, i attend my bestie engagement since primary school.lama gila dah berkawan since standart 1
hehe..the one and only bunga yang still single but not available, since my gang, one by one dah kahwin
tp no harm la kan.lambat atau cepat, semua tu kan Allah yang aturkan. so just go with the flow
if jodoh dah sampai, then sedetik atau sesaat pun cannot be delay
like what my father pernah pesan, Allah dah tetapkan di loh mahfuz semua takdir kita.

eh too much on babbling la pulak. hehe..she wear coral pink for her engagement attire and hire the same person used to do my pelamin before. it was simple but very classy. i love the way he did that.
so nampak la yang he's now improve. takde la nak recycle balik idea lama while my zaman dulu kan. i love his design. lately i think he's seriously, his idea is became more fresh and superb. ni judging from what he post in fb la kan.hehe..

the fiancee-to-be and the girls sibuk bergosip dalam bilik.tau-tau je, dah habis berbincang.haha..ntah la kuat ke tidak kami sembang ni.hope orang kat luar tu tak dengar la ken??hehe..

finally, the long awaited engagement. happy engagement so happy for both of you.hope that, you will became husband and wife sooner and tahan menghadapi cubaan.hee..and what matter most, sabar sentiasa.

Monday, 3 December 2012

busy kicking

oh, harini sangat busy kicking mak dia.tekejut-kejut maknya,
i started to feel the movement around my 19 weeks,alhamdulillah
hari rabu on 21/11 to be exact.ha kena ingat date ni sbb first time
pandai dia pilih timing.time tgh merajuk dengan bapaknya malam2.
haha..suddenly, tetiba terasa macam ada benda pulak dlm perut

but i never been assured.this is my first ragu-ragu lagi 
just keep quite and diam je sambil menghayati.haha..terus bebaik dengan bapaknya.
ntah apalagi feel pompuan mengandung ni.ish.ahaha..

so many times i felt the same ways. so im asking my sister
baby kicking tu rasa macam perut bedenyut ka.haha..i dunno how to describe that.something like that.
my husband was once spying his baby and suddenly he was kicking
merasa la dia dengar sekejap.we were in ldm, so it was a precious moment for him

i was hoping that Allah will protect the baby inside and baby mebesar dengan sihat dan sempurna.amin