Saturday, 24 December 2011


Because of the wedding date is way too long, not too long actually hehe.. so lets start with simple one. Sebab bercadang nak DIY all the deco, so lets google everyone.

Too consider the DIY centerpiece,
1. budget-I'm on budget constrains, so everything should be save not splurge
2. can be recycled after that-save, boleh deco untuk rumah sendiri
3. Preferable artificial as it last long!

The theme for the reception not finalised yet, so I'll just start with my reeption day. I want something different from red roses that so popular, lagipun bercadang untuk guna roses jugak untuk handbouquet, so haruslah mencari yang rare. Lagipun, artificial senang ja nak cari yang rare and very cute. On my mind, I always think yellow or pink or red!hurm...sebabkan nanti nak guna balik, should consider flowers yang tak boring. Ha nanti habes kenduri boleh letak merata. Atas meja, dalam bilik, dapur, toilet, should consider it very well.

Here are something that I find very easy to manage,DIY, easily find and looks super chic. Plus I love very simple centerpiece, as my reception will held at my own house. From previous experience, they will used rectangular table, not the round table, except for VIP, not decide yet, so I think better guna yang kecik, comel, around 3-5 buds, and simple. Kang letak tinggi2 kang ganggu orang nak makan. nak letak atas meja yang super cinonet je!

Love how they arrange the roses in vase. credit to

suka sebab in white and lilies. tapi tinggi.nanti menganggu tetamu, susah nak sembang.
credit to i dont know who!

love the colour plus its carnation.nampak full je bekas tu.boleh jimat cos if guna bekas letak lilin.then letak 2   or 3, dah siap!also, lupa copy dr mana

tulips!suka cara dia letak dalam bekas.

sebenarnya banyak lagi yang cantik-cantik and cun melecun. But for me, yang paling senang, cari bekas kaca yang murah as it will look expensive and boleh diguna after that. Or beli bekas garam gula from ikea. Lepas tu, boleh tutup and then, guna. Tak habes, bagi souvenir kepada makcik2 yang banyak tolong kan. Taknak la nanti membazir and terus tatau nak buat apa kn. For VIP tables, I love something yang tinggi. VIP tables maynot be too many, sikit saja kan. So boleh la splurge di situ. 

Friday, 23 December 2011

all about engagement

1. The pelamin and hantaran

tetiba dah tak jadi mini pelamin. but I'm glad that, apa yang di bagi sangat ok. infact terlebih ok for us. everything worth the money that we spent. Sebenarnya, book for other design but he called and said that, pelamin tercedera while diaorg turunkan dari lori. redha jerla. as long as ada pelamin lain, okey aje. he showed this design to me, I just agreed sbb dah takde choice. It turn out to be okay as I'm really satisfied with their work. You have to know your budget before book. It make it easier for him but not for you.haha..pening fikir ok!! I really love the hantaran, simple and look effortless.

2. The baju

My mom bought the kain from Mecca and sew it herself. save di situ. hehe.. nak hantar tailor, memang diaorang tak terima as this kain tak sampai 4m. With the bunga yang memanjang ke atas, memang lagi cerewet la all the tailor. senang, my mom je yg jahit as she know which angle yang boleh dijahit and di alter ikut kesesuaian. Veil and tudung, all from Gulatis. Mommy and sista bought this. I dont have any complain. love it!

3. The OP

Just took a package from a friend yang kebetulan memang took wed/engangement photo. Within budget I must said. So no complaint. Will received the edited pixs after this.

4. Foods and beverages


All are home-cooked. Semuanya siap from pagi till noon. However, I don't have any clue bout this. Hehe..langsung tak menjenguk keluar. But, siDia said, its very good. Everyone satisfied and siap makan bertambah-tambah. Sampaikan lauk-pauk even nasi memang tak cukup. Tuan rumah makan last-last, tunggu second round.   Tuan rumah tak makan takpe, as long as all the guest happy. Received good review.Alhamdulillah.yang penting semua suka and went well.

5. The souvenirs

Eh, takde pic la pulak. But, it just a very simple bakul, hias dengan ribon and kuih sepit(or kapit) dlm balang yang dihias by my aunt. Bakul tu beli a day before the engangement. Kuih sepit all ordered by my mom. Langsung tak rasa, harapnya sedap la.


alhamdulillah..after a long year, we finally step into new phase. hehe..since today memang tak percaya langsung dh bertunang.haha..agaknya dah sebati ko dengan bf-gf. but, alhamdulillah..everything smooth sailing. banyak lagi dugaan yang of course, you won't be expecting at all. tapi harapnya, we both akan bersabar dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Yang Maha Esa. InsyaAllah..

On the day itself, memang kelam-kabut. I slept at 3 am, so memang dh tak peduli langsung la if our souvenir untuk pihak laki ok ke tak. yang penting, I just want to rest for a bit. Tapi, before tidur tu, dah ingat dah. I haven't sew my baju yet!ha..letih punya pasal. Dah langsung tak boleh bukak mata.

Haha. on the morning, bangun Subuh and then tetiba kena pegi ambil my aunt. Yang MUA dah call cakap nak sampi. Ah sudah, dgn tak mandi semua. I don't know what happen with my baju, or my souvenir or anything la.haha..teruk! rasa macam this is not my majlis. I just here to help other!haha..after a while, terus shoot balik rumah and cepat-cepat sis tolong pasangkan cadar and kemas bilik. Dah memang tak ambil tahu dah. I just know that I have to get my makeup done! mom and my aunt sibuk menjahit baju to. Redha jerla..

Pihak lelaki sampai around 10.30, I was with my friends, bising-bising, nyembang, camwhore. Rasa tak nervous langsung. Ceh..before that, punya la nervous. On that day, biasa je.kahkahkah..After they end their discussion, terus la panggil suruh keluar, sebab nak sarung cincin. Haa.. at that time, rasa nervous. eh cemana nak duduk ni.hehe..tak praktis. ahh..sudah, jangan terjatuh or duduk kurang sopan sudah.haha..

Dah habes sarung cincin semua, baru la ambil gmbar with the rest of the rombongan and with my family. Tapi, time sarung cincin, boleh pulak siDia berjalan-jalan?haha..siap his mom called sebab majlis dah habes and he need to come back home right now sebab nak amek pix together!I was waiting for him atas pelamin, bersimpuh ayu for near that 10mins. Wah..malu gila!terus turun buat-buat nak pergi with my niece la, geram betul!

Alhamdulillah.rasanya, I dont't have any complain. as long as both of the families are happy, so do us. I really thanks my family yang memang banyak tolong. Bangun pagi dah macam cinderella. Everything dah disiap deco.hehe..i dont't know sapa yang tolong deco, but I really thanks everybody. This is a very simple caremony, just to celebrate the engagement. The big W will approach. I will be very-very busy with the preparations, with my studies, letey! Hope that, till the date, we both can be very patience and can tolerate with each other!phew..

Thursday, 22 December 2011

best view

bestnye if buka je pintu, dengar bunyi ombak! 
angin berderu-deru sampai sejuk hingga ke tulang hitam
hari-hari jengah balkoni tgk budak-budak sexy!haha

nice view from room 604,
Permaisuri Resort, PD
19-22 December 2011
EMSM conference

p/s..i miss him..saturday, please come faster!

Monday, 12 December 2011

I'm a fiancee

11.12.11 at 11.15 am
i'm a fiancee.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

mode : sedih

I'm jumping on the road knowing that today, will head to my hometown, meet my parents, spend my time and helping momma tidy up the house. Sadly, as I was about to turn to PLUS highway, I received sms from my sv. She want to meet me tomorrow! Haa??nangis.. 

That time, all I think was, abeslah, sapa nak tlg kemas rumah,sapa nak tolong hantar and beli hantaran, sapa nak tolong siapkan kerja yang tak habes kt rumah, kesian momma excited tunggu anak dia balik, nak fitting baju la, dah janji ngan momma will comeback today nak kongsi banyak cerita..well, my mood was down. And worst things worst, since morning, there is no water in our hostel!

Apparently, as I wake up, I still can take wudu' and did others things.hehe..but then, terus setitik air pun takde! more, I drank nescafe. U know la, u will always visit the loo kn?haha...because I have a lab to conduct today, so takkan nak pergi lab tak mandi?berani kau??haha..lastly, I have to go to nearby shop and bought 5 large mineral water!1st time that I am too desperated! nak mandi tu terfikir alahai, rasa macam berdosa gila mndi pakai air minum. 

So having to make u-turn, spontaneously terus terfikir. How am I gonna survive tonight? I wanna go home!sob sob..but mr darling comfy me. He said, ada hikmahnya. Huhu.. I admit, maybe I just don't wanna faced all the workloads that may seem impossible for me to finish them all. 

But, when I get to my room, terus semangat nak buat kerja. terus bukak balik all the datas and start to analyze. Read all the journals, that seem like kertas pembalut belacan and some like I never touched, herm.. a very good start to finish all the workloads. Semangat nak siapkn thesis, writing, sort all the problems, find the solutions, writing a paper, abstract..haha..well, yes. There's something hidden underneath that we never realize. I just hope that, her mood is okay and didn't get worse. I hope that she stay calm as I report there were soo many things undone and happy as I bring more result for her. Hope that she will be okay! Pray so hard for my success..

p/s..kenapa banyak sangat lalat here? arh..serabut tengok lalat ni tau. kat kafe, banyaaak lalat, dekat bilik n kat mana lagi engkau takde wahai lalat?letih melayan..and air dah ade. yeay..even warna dia sangatlah keruh! macam air tehais, but still okay. ada gak source nak mandi kn.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Move on baby

I'm stuck in my room as I really don't know what happen with myself. I used to be a very hardworking girl, Im strive for success, I used to be an active person. but now, I think that, people around me are moving and Im at the same place. Living as a student where you were not used to the surrounding is so hard to manage. I need a time to adjust everything, from my comfort zone to somewhere I have to be independent. 

However, this is a life lessons. when we were so comfy in our own bed, we never bother to wake up,  to look around and challenge yourself. That thing happen to me right now. It felt that, I really try so hard but I didn't move on. Maybe that Im not putting enough effort for that?

People say, those who always motivated them self will eventually found success. that is so true. I have to read to other stories before I feel so motivated. this morning, I read a blog where she write bout her journey doing Phd. Wow, really inspiring. I mean how she manage herself, how she so discipline, how she try so hard even harder, how she try to do what she can do despite no one to support her. she don't even have her own sweet time, while me, having it too much. Thats make me wonder. Duhh.. Im not putting extra effort.

So I made resolutions to myself (eh eh..tak sampai tahun baru pun lg?haha..well sempena Maal Hijrah, lets change for a better me =) )
  • jangan nak tangguh kerja..everytime you have a result, so then do the analysis
  • face the problems not running away
  • lets find the spirit everyday
  • Improve the relationship with the Creator
  • be discipline
  • focus baby..focus!
  • strive for a better life
This is only to apply now! time, lets make another resolution people! well then, jom semangat nak buat kerja. Mari-mari tengok balik the do list!

Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.

Mari bermakan-makan di Hatyai

Woot woot!this is a backdated entry.haha..Just so, I can looked back and remember our holiday.hehe..

Last Deepavali, we(moi n family) were having so much fun at Hatyai. Located about 1 hr from Padang Besar, this is the place where u can shop the latest street fashion, eat and having fun. Getting there, there are 3 main gates where u can enter Hatyai (doesn’t count the gates from other state, Kelantan etc.haha), either from Wang Kelian, Pdg Besar or Bukit Kayu Hitam. Enter through Wang Kelian, u will reach west coast and take about 2-3 hrs before reach Hatyai, while from Bukit Kayu Hitam, whoever from the south peninsular Malaysia, advised to enter from this gates as it will save ur time. We were here so many times but never cared to sleepover.

At first, we planned to have a night stay at Hatyai, and the next day going to Park Bara for lunch. However, a minor mistake came up and we have to wait at the border nearly for 1hr...Well, next time, follow the rules people! And don’t worry if u are the first timer. Signboard are everywhere in Thai n Eng, definitely will reach there. Checking at the Regency hotel.

In front of the Regency Hotel

Recommended if you want to stay at the centre of the city. Lots of shopping complex, stall hawker, shop lot, bazaar and it just 5mins from the market. However, the id is just okay, but the hot water didn’t function and they didn’t allow us to book a room as we came with 5 adult and a baby.hehe..cheapskate I know! hahaha…the receptionist is not so friendly, but the butler is best! help us and I guess it’s just his work right. But never mind, as this is only a short trip, and was sponsored by younger brother so I have nothing to complain =)

After refreshing, we walked to nearest restaurant for dinner dine. It’s a Muslim restaurant and nearly every worker knows BM. We order sweet-sour ikan siakap, kalian ikan masin, tomyum, telur bungkus. Take a stroll around the city as it offers many selection of clothes, fresh fruits, foods well..stuffs. I think u may found something suit ur taste. Some tips, only bargain if u want it. After a while, the rain started to pour down. We decided to stay at the hotel. Bought pulut ayam, pulut durian and pulut manga.hehe..remember, this trip is about eating out!

dinner dish

You can found this hawker opposite the Regency Hotel

The next day, we headed for breakfast at the same restaurant last night. Not so many restaurant are opened in the morning and the nearest to the hotel is the only Salma. They have variety of morning selection like roti canai, nasi lemak, nasi goreng. All are delicious! After that, we go to the market by tut-tut , taxi, being called in Thailand. The price for ex like clothes, really cheap compare to padang besar, like 100baht diff. some shops accept RM but some are not!

the breakfast show!haha..

nasi goreng with chilies and favourite drinks.nescafe

Afternoon, we go to Samila beach, just to take a pic with the most popular mermaid! hehe..and see the serpent that they called as ‘nag’. The body being sculpt in 3 diff segment, the head, body and tail and at diff location. So basically, you have to drive along the beach just to locate the serpent! Hee..

All of us were too hungry, haha..lunch at restaurant Chekkar. I must say that, Malaysian love this place as it have very good ambient, the food was delicious but a bit pricy, well it all worth your money. They also accommodate the mussola at level 3.

While enjoying our lunch,Hana was poopoo.haha..however, we run out of the diapert! we rushed to the nearest Lotus Tesco and did a little shopping for miss Hana. And, so many things are interesting.All baby wears are so cute. So hard to resist until we ran out of Baht! haha..

Food for the people

This was a very great experience! You get to enjoy the city, foods, people however, the most important the great company! Love this. Hope that, next time, we'll visit somewhere with the whole company!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Payless shoes!

I have a wedding to attend today. Being me, going for a wedding, I'll wear baju kurung unless it was on a short notice and I don't have anything to wear. Unfortunately (this will turn to lucky me!) I dont have any heels. A girl should have a pair of heels (at least) right?haha..

So, odw to Alor Star, made a stop at Sunway Carnival and zoom to nose. Bought a pair of black pump at a very nice price (always dream to have a pair of Louboutine, but unfortunately cant afford that..sobsob). Wandering around as I want to buy a pair of red flat, enter Esprite found shirt that I love..well well well, I didnt know that the shirt was sell at 40% discount! aha, love that!And very lucky as I made a deal with this chinese girl, as I buy another shirt and have another 20% discount.hehe..yeay to me!

Not satisfied with the buying, going downstairs cause I didnt find Vincci, my eyes saw a new shoplot -or it was there for a very long time?, my last visit was during Raya, so excuse my jakunnese.hahaha- never heard bout this Payless shoes before but dont bother to check it out!

Wow! Im soo in love with this shoes concept store! its like falling in love at first sight..haha..all shoes were arrange in the boxes, there were like tons of was stunning, I just stood there and scanned everything, the price is okay as it state that pay less for the shoes.hehe..I moved inch by inch and search for my favourite red flat. sadly, I didnt found one or is it because Im in hurry! Argh, definitely will come here next time, must come..

credit to google

With my brand new pump, going to the wedding, gather with schoolmates, meet the lovely bride and groom, new friends, checkout cute guy (haha..) there go my weekend! really looking forward for this coming weekend.cant wait..

Saturday, 3 December 2011

december come early!

Already December..seem that baru je January 2011 but now..woahh..and 11 days till our e-day :) Im nervous!! man,so many obstacles during this period!haish..belum pape lg, dh gaduh?haha..
well, semakin dekat, semakin pening nak decide, semakin semak kepala otak n semakin nervous!

We just want to keep simple and minimalist for the engagement. Dont want to spend so much, need to save for the wedding!banyak gila nak pakai duit..

Engagement checklist
  • baju..mum will sew it, but now, still in progress
  • deco..nothing i guess!still no idea..will decide later
  • photographer...done!
  • dais..50% paid..
  • the hantaran deco..already paid
  • the hantaran itself..only sampin, others will buy later
  • the favors..for his side only, mum already bought kuih traditional, so i have to find the wrapping plastic n ribbon
  • foods n baverages..hehe..parents will taking care.
  • makeup..confirm!

Hope that this will turn to be okay. It may not be perfect, at least,hope that everyone will cherish the moments, sit back and relax!