Friday 23 December 2011


alhamdulillah..after a long year, we finally step into new phase. hehe..since today memang tak percaya langsung dh bertunang.haha..agaknya dah sebati ko dengan bf-gf. but, alhamdulillah..everything smooth sailing. banyak lagi dugaan yang of course, you won't be expecting at all. tapi harapnya, we both akan bersabar dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Yang Maha Esa. InsyaAllah..

On the day itself, memang kelam-kabut. I slept at 3 am, so memang dh tak peduli langsung la if our souvenir untuk pihak laki ok ke tak. yang penting, I just want to rest for a bit. Tapi, before tidur tu, dah ingat dah. I haven't sew my baju yet!ha..letih punya pasal. Dah langsung tak boleh bukak mata.

Haha. on the morning, bangun Subuh and then tetiba kena pegi ambil my aunt. Yang MUA dah call cakap nak sampi. Ah sudah, dgn tak mandi semua. I don't know what happen with my baju, or my souvenir or anything la.haha..teruk! rasa macam this is not my majlis. I just here to help other!haha..after a while, terus shoot balik rumah and cepat-cepat sis tolong pasangkan cadar and kemas bilik. Dah memang tak ambil tahu dah. I just know that I have to get my makeup done! mom and my aunt sibuk menjahit baju to. Redha jerla..

Pihak lelaki sampai around 10.30, I was with my friends, bising-bising, nyembang, camwhore. Rasa tak nervous langsung. Ceh..before that, punya la nervous. On that day, biasa je.kahkahkah..After they end their discussion, terus la panggil suruh keluar, sebab nak sarung cincin. Haa.. at that time, rasa nervous. eh cemana nak duduk ni.hehe..tak praktis. ahh..sudah, jangan terjatuh or duduk kurang sopan sudah.haha..

Dah habes sarung cincin semua, baru la ambil gmbar with the rest of the rombongan and with my family. Tapi, time sarung cincin, boleh pulak siDia berjalan-jalan?haha..siap his mom called sebab majlis dah habes and he need to come back home right now sebab nak amek pix together!I was waiting for him atas pelamin, bersimpuh ayu for near that 10mins. Wah..malu gila!terus turun buat-buat nak pergi with my niece la, geram betul!

Alhamdulillah.rasanya, I dont't have any complain. as long as both of the families are happy, so do us. I really thanks my family yang memang banyak tolong. Bangun pagi dah macam cinderella. Everything dah disiap deco.hehe..i dont't know sapa yang tolong deco, but I really thanks everybody. This is a very simple caremony, just to celebrate the engagement. The big W will approach. I will be very-very busy with the preparations, with my studies, letey! Hope that, till the date, we both can be very patience and can tolerate with each other!phew..

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