Thursday 8 December 2011

mode : sedih

I'm jumping on the road knowing that today, will head to my hometown, meet my parents, spend my time and helping momma tidy up the house. Sadly, as I was about to turn to PLUS highway, I received sms from my sv. She want to meet me tomorrow! Haa??nangis.. 

That time, all I think was, abeslah, sapa nak tlg kemas rumah,sapa nak tolong hantar and beli hantaran, sapa nak tolong siapkan kerja yang tak habes kt rumah, kesian momma excited tunggu anak dia balik, nak fitting baju la, dah janji ngan momma will comeback today nak kongsi banyak cerita..well, my mood was down. And worst things worst, since morning, there is no water in our hostel!

Apparently, as I wake up, I still can take wudu' and did others things.hehe..but then, terus setitik air pun takde! more, I drank nescafe. U know la, u will always visit the loo kn?haha...because I have a lab to conduct today, so takkan nak pergi lab tak mandi?berani kau??haha..lastly, I have to go to nearby shop and bought 5 large mineral water!1st time that I am too desperated! nak mandi tu terfikir alahai, rasa macam berdosa gila mndi pakai air minum. 

So having to make u-turn, spontaneously terus terfikir. How am I gonna survive tonight? I wanna go home!sob sob..but mr darling comfy me. He said, ada hikmahnya. Huhu.. I admit, maybe I just don't wanna faced all the workloads that may seem impossible for me to finish them all. 

But, when I get to my room, terus semangat nak buat kerja. terus bukak balik all the datas and start to analyze. Read all the journals, that seem like kertas pembalut belacan and some like I never touched, herm.. a very good start to finish all the workloads. Semangat nak siapkn thesis, writing, sort all the problems, find the solutions, writing a paper, abstract..haha..well, yes. There's something hidden underneath that we never realize. I just hope that, her mood is okay and didn't get worse. I hope that she stay calm as I report there were soo many things undone and happy as I bring more result for her. Hope that she will be okay! Pray so hard for my success..

p/s..kenapa banyak sangat lalat here? arh..serabut tengok lalat ni tau. kat kafe, banyaaak lalat, dekat bilik n kat mana lagi engkau takde wahai lalat?letih melayan..and air dah ade. yeay..even warna dia sangatlah keruh! macam air tehais, but still okay. ada gak source nak mandi kn.

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